Catfish (Anarhichas lupus) |
- Catfish is caught by trawlers and longliners in the North Atlantic around Iceland
- Product type: Interleaved fillets and IQF loins and portions
- Seson: All year round fishing
- Catching area: FAO 27
Catfish lives in the North-Eastern parts of the Atlantic Ocean from Svalbard to the south of the Bay of Biscay. It also lives by the East coast and West coast of Greenland, East cost of North America from Labrador and to the south as far as Cape cod and New-Jersey. Catfish lives all around Iceland, especially in the Westfjord region. It's also common by the east coast of Iceland and in some parts of South West Iceland and Southern Iceland. There is a lot of small catfish by the Northern-, Northeastern and Eastern coastline of Iceland.
Catfish lives in depth of a few meters and down to 400-500 meters. It's most common in 40-180 m depth. Catfish is a demersal fish living mostly in clay or sand bottoms but also in tougher terrain.
